U-Boot Beton

istanbul building

U-Boot Beton is a recycled polypropylene formwork that was designed to create lightened slabs and rafts.

It has conic elevator foot which helps in the concrete casting to create a grid work of mutually perpendicular beams closed from the bottom and the top by flat plate; this results in considerable reduction in the use of concrete and steel.
U-Boot Beton is used to create slabs with larger spans or that are able to support larger loads without beams.

Once drown in the concrete casting, U-Boot Beton forms the structure just like two full slabs, with a variable thickness, connected by a perpendicular beam grid work to form a bidirectional static honeycomb plate. For this concrete bed, the distribution of weights due to high inertia is rationalized in order to permit maximum stiffness and lightness for the structure with a minimum amount of concrete, which makes it possible to eliminate, where possible, the foundation piles.

U-BOOT in Action



  • 1. Increased number of floors possibility to gain floors at the same building height (towers) and building volume.
  • 2. Large span and great architectural freedom larger spaces.
  • 3. Reduced slab thickness, Thinner slabs but with equal loads and clearances, or bigger clearances with an equal thickness.
  • 4. No beams between pillars, Flat soffit for greater flexibility when installing systems.
  • 5. Reduction in the number of pillars; Optimization of the sections of pillars; Facilitated use reallocation. Wider bays.
  • 6. Reduction in the overall load of the structure weighing on the pillars and the foundation.
  • 7. Reduced foundations – Less deep foundation excavation; Lower costs for foundation excavations. Less excavation.
  • 8. Improved acoustic behaviour; Less acoustic transmittance.